Sunday, September 29, 2013

Write it on the Walls.

As I am living this study, I can't help but feel the need to write these reminders on my heart as well as my walls. Daily, I want to know these things. Not just to know it in the back of my mind, but in the forefront of my thoughts, actions, and feelings.

When those worries of imperfection want to set in, I want to know this.
When I'm overwhelmed, I want to know this. 
When fear fights for my heart, I want to know this. 
When life throws a curve ball, I want to know this. 
I want to know, I want to remember, that grace always wins.

So let's print this out and hang it on our fridges, above our desks, or on our mirrors to remind us that we don't need to have it all together, because we follow hard after a God who does.
Grace is in this closing of a weekend and beginning of yet another hectic week. 
Let's rest in this grace. Let's find our comfort and joy there.
Sisters, our Father is calling us to.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hello + Welcome

Hello, Sweet Friends!

Welcome to Flourish, the blog. A brand new space for women of Victor Valley Christian Church. We are so glad you are here.

As the Women's Ministry continues to grow, we as a leadership team continue to grow the options and spaces our women can connect. And, boy, are we excited!

So here is the run down on this new little space. It will contain an up to date digest on what is happening within Women's ministry, as well as, some "on the heart" posts by our leadership. We want this blog to be an interactive space where women can connect with each other through commenting. Plus, as a community we want you to be able to see our events and have the ability to connect with other sites like our church website and Facebook page. An easy on the eyes, fun little space, to be in the know and chat.

A special part of the Flourish community is our Flourish in the Word, where we as women study the Word and digest it together. FITW will be a large part of this here blog. We feel that our women can continue to connect after our evenings in the word, through out the week with our posts and your comments. Sometimes we want to share more of what we learned or describe how we felt this lesson in our week, and this, sisters, is your place to do such things! We women can talk. Am I right? So feel free to use us as your excuse to discuss the Word, we are okay with that.

Sound like fun? We think so!

With all that being said, some of you are wondering how to follow along and make it easy for interaction. So here is a short tutorial on how to be a follower of Flourish.

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post.

You will see this:

Enter your email and hit submit. A new screen will open. It will look something like this.

Once you have entered a similar security code (the word in red), you will receive an email. Follow the directions contained in there.

And there you go! Every time we post, an email containing a link to our site will be delivered.
We want our focus and mission to be grounded in everything we do here at Flourish, whether that be in events or posts or comments. And that is Psalm 52:8.

So grab a cup of coffee, take a seat at this table, look around, check it out, and leave a comment! 

Blessings, sisters.